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ASPIRE Covid-19 UK


Project News and Updates

Our project has been registered with Research Registry! To view the registration details please click here.

The ASPIRE COVID-19 Project has been added into the “Repository of existing and future research relating to UK Parliament’s COVID-19 ARIs”.


For further information on ARIs please click here.

The following mention of ASPIRE appeared in the New Statesman on Monday, 14th September 2020:

‘Soo Downe, a midwife and professor in midwifery studies at the University of Central Lancashire, is leading an ESRC-funded study to find out how these two strands were safeguarded during the pandemic.

“The idea is to look at a range of different hospitals, hospital trusts, and community services to say: what was the most effective way of responding to the crisis to ensure safety and personalisation so that women got choices?” she tells me.

Part of the study involves monitoring constant updates to maternity services by tracking changes on trust websites and on social media. It is clear that there has been a mixed response across the UK, she says.

Different trusts have restricted or permitted companions for women at antenatal scans, labour, birth and on postnatal and neonatal wards to varying degrees. In July some places were only allowing birth partners to visit for one specified hour each day, but many trusts had reinstated home birth. The study will be looking at the variation, and how it can be minimised in future.’

