Work Package 4: Data modelling, Tool kit creation, Consensus event
1. Modelling analysis, tool kit production
2. Two-day consensus event with key stakeholders to share insights from data collected, to assess and refine the model and the tool-kit, and to agree on next steps.
A cross-case comparative analysis will interrogate propositions as to how and why different maternity systems coped differently during the pandemic. The emphasis will be on causality to understand why decisions were made, and the impacts on key maternal and neonatal outcome data, and women, partner, and staff experiences. Causal inference techniques will be applied, using multi-level modelling to draw comparisons within and between case study sites. The model will seek to distinguish between the influence of COVID-19 itself and service delivery-mediated effects, to explore the role service delivery changes had in mitigating or accentuating COVID-19 related impacts on safety and personalisation, in line with UK maternity policy.
1. Theoretically informed whole-systems model of what did and did not work to enable safe and personalised care (for women partners, neonates and staff), accounting for local context and COVID-19 exposure.
2. Co-designed Open Access model and toolkit to inform crisis and routine organisation of maternity care including algorithms, videos, podcasts, hints and tips.
3. Consensus report on how the model could be adapted for other settings and disciplines.
For enquiries, please contact the work package leads:
George Ellison:
Zoe Matthews: